simple website builder

Our Bots

Have a look at some of our bots, they may even supprise you! Here are a few reasons why:

Fast Responses
Intuitive Design
Great Support Team

Our Bots:

Tap "Invite" and you're all good to go!



A partner/bump bot that allows you to broadcast your bump advertisement message to its servers every 20 minutes



A Moderation bot for all your needs! Also has music commands and other fun things!



A Music bot that logs all commands!



Partner now, not later



Utils provides a vast amount of data for servers, channels, users and more for anyone to fetch the info of much more faster and without hassle!



Monitor your favourite bots & users and get immediately notified when they come online

Not ready to get a bot for your server?

Trial the bots in our server

Other Projects:

We don't just make bots

One of our older websites, BotAssist allows the developers of Discord bots to add their service to the website and collect all of the user feedback they need, all in one place. It is fast and easy to get set up and we are even planning to create a desktop client in the future with a lightweight dashboard for developers to easily monitor improvements to be made with their bots.

Visit BotAssist

As one of our other main projects, ServerShare is a platform designed to allow users of Discord to advertise their servers, recieve reviews and host various events from.

In the future, we will begin to create some series on our channels. So stay tuned for more content in the future.

Inside's channel
Devlin Studios channel

While we do make minigames on certain platforms, they are often only active for a couple of months. It is recommended to check out our game projects page on the Devlin Support website