website maker

Hi casual users!

While Utils was originally based around getting data for developers, we also support many helpful commands to help you tell people where to go quicker


Message links

Don't want to copy & paste a message that you have previously written? Just link to it!


Showing someone a channel from a DM?

Don't go through the hassle of telling them the channel name and server name! Just get the channel object, paste it and send it in your DM and it will magicially turn into a #channel link. Amazing!

The bot doesn't even have to be in the same server as the one that the channel is in!

We are searching for ideas on what to add!

Join our discord server and suggest a data type or a feature to add to Utils

It's likely better than it looks

Developer or not, we are sure that Utils will be able to help the average casual user of discord! So try it out today.

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